I know this is almost a week late, but can we just talk about how great our first meeting of the year was? There were so many new moms joining us, and it was wonderful seeing faces from last year around the room, too. Actually, we had so many people, we're adding another table to the mix next week!
After we all dropped the kiddos off (the next meeting will go a bit smoother since everyone will be in the system), it was time to grab some food. The spread, provided by the steering team was great, and I saw several moms sneaking in some seconds (totally acceptable, by the way)!
Next week the blue table is bringing savory and the orange table's bringing something sweet. (Want to know when your table's in charge of bringing something? Check here!) And you guys, seriously, it doesn't need to be the best dish you've ever made—we're moms—we get it. I've totally been the one who's shown up with donut holes or chicken nuggets from Chick-Fil-A. But on that note, we also discussed taking a vote for the best dish and then having that recipe featured in the next week's newsletter!
Once the meeting kicked off, Lindsey shared a bit about what this season and our MOPS group is all about. To paraphrase (and I actually wish I recorded her, because I truly felt like standing up and clapping afterwards):
Every one of us has an individual spark that drives us, and we all have something that each other needs. There are so many different ways to parent; you may cloth diaper or use disposables. You may make your own organic baby food from scratch or buy it premade. You may let your kid run around naked while the mom next to you does five loads of laundry a day. In other words: we're all completely different. We parent different, and we have different ideas about everything, but we have one thing in common: we're all moms and we all get it!
The coolest part about MOPS is that it's a group just for us. It's a group where we all understand where you're coming from, and we're all here to support each other with your walk in being the best mom that you can be. God chose you to be a mom, and He knew what your life would be like right now, dirty diapers, tantrum-throwing toddlers and all. But when you come to MOPS every other Wednesday, you get a two-hour break to just breathe. You get a moment to just have a break and be around other women who get where you're coming from, and that is pretty darn nice.
After her message it was time for some table ice breakers in the form of Jenga! I don't know what happened at your table, but our table had a pretty fun time getting to know each other. (Fun fact: half of the moms at the Pink table can't whistle!)
We're really excited about this year, and I hope you are, too. There a lot of fun things planned: play dates with the little ones (because we know you want out of the house just as much as the kids), mom's night out (because getting out of your spit-up stained yoga pants* and having some grown-up time is always a lot of fun), and several other fun activities throughout the year, so keep an eye on the weekly newsletter for more information and upcoming dates.
We can't wait to see you again next week :)
*You can definitely still come in your spit-up stained yoga pants (been there, done that), don't let that stop you from joining us!
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